Change in North Korea Power Hierarchy
IKB Forum       09-03-19

According to recent media reports a fundamental change is talking place in power hierarchy in North Korea ? The brother in law of North Korean supreme leader and the head of administrative department of North Korea's Workers' Party Chang Sung-taek is emerging as the new power center in the changing power set up in the country.

In the recent months he has been seen playing a bigger role in helping a smooth power transition. This indicates that in the event of sudden power change in north Korea, North Korean workers party will be playing a bigger role than the north Korean military who has been a dominant force in north Korean affairs in the recent past.

However there are some people who do not believe that Chang will be real successor to kim jong Ill. According to this perspective he might be being used as a decoy to promote Kim Jong-il's eldest son Kim Jeong-nam, as real candidate for power. Or he might be even be implant of military who do not want to attract undue attention in the transltion period.

However there is real possibility that North Korea is seeking a sort of a collective leadership consisting of Chang Sung-take and Kim Jeong-nam, using Chang and his pragmatic tendencies to smooth over any problems with the power transition.So nobody knows for sure what is happening in North Korea. But something is definitely happening in north Korean power structure which needs to be closely watched
